Nutrition by Victoria utilizes expertise in biology and human nutrition, personal experience, and the latest in scientific research to show you how to achieve and sustain optimal health and a lean body EFFORTLESSLY through simple diet and lifestyle modifications.
About Victoria
M.S. Human Nutrition (University of Bridgeport)
B.S. Biology (Penn State University)
Certified Yoga Instructor
M.S. Human Nutrition (University of Bridgeport)
B.S. Biology (Penn State University)
Certified Yoga Instructor
My Story
Despite leading a fairly healthy adolescence, excelling as a collegiate athlete, earning honors in my B.S. Biology degree program, and working part-time in healthcare and as a professional model; a series of health issues were hindering my life quality. My clinical diagnosis included iron-deficiency anemia, IBS, gastroparesis, irregular menstruation, sports injuries, and depression/anxiety. The conventional medical treatment for my conditions involved medications, supplementation, and undergoing diagnostic/surgical procedures; none of which proved to be any kind of relief, solution, or point to the cause of my ailments.
In an effort to take control of my health and fluctuating weight, I became more interested in nutrition and started to experiment with diet alterations. At the time, I also decided to forego Physician Assistant school following college graduation, and instead pursued a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition.
After much trial and error with trending diet techniques (low carb and fasting), my health and weight hit an all-time low. My experimenting had led to the development of an eating disorder, mainly in an attempt to control my worsening gut condition.
Finally in 2012, my research endeavors landed me in front of YouTube endurance athlete, Harley Johnstone (Durianrider), whose content made me realize my health problems were primarily being caused by one fundamental nutrition principle: chronic, insufficient carbohydrate intake. Conventional diet advice had me convinced that carbohydrates were the problem, when in fact, my poor body had been suffering from not eating enough of them! Combining this realization with my education, peer-reviewed clinical data, and research from plant-based doctors like Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. John McDougall, the ultimate healing protocol was established!
In an effort to take control of my health and fluctuating weight, I became more interested in nutrition and started to experiment with diet alterations. At the time, I also decided to forego Physician Assistant school following college graduation, and instead pursued a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition.
After much trial and error with trending diet techniques (low carb and fasting), my health and weight hit an all-time low. My experimenting had led to the development of an eating disorder, mainly in an attempt to control my worsening gut condition.
Finally in 2012, my research endeavors landed me in front of YouTube endurance athlete, Harley Johnstone (Durianrider), whose content made me realize my health problems were primarily being caused by one fundamental nutrition principle: chronic, insufficient carbohydrate intake. Conventional diet advice had me convinced that carbohydrates were the problem, when in fact, my poor body had been suffering from not eating enough of them! Combining this realization with my education, peer-reviewed clinical data, and research from plant-based doctors like Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. John McDougall, the ultimate healing protocol was established!
Before and After

When I initially adopted a high carbohydrate, low fat, plant-based diet, I gained 60 lbs within the first year (125lbs to 185lbs, I'm 5'11.5) resulting from adaptive thermogenesis (metabolic damage) from chronic carbohydrate calorie restriction. Within weeks on the new diet protocol, my overall state of health and vitality improved dramatically. My menstrual cycle normalized, digestive disorder improved, depression/anxiety lifted, and energy increased!
After about three years of following a high carb, low fat, plant-based vegan diet and healthy lifestyle, I lost over 30 lbs. and have since kept it off EFFORTLESSLY despite always eating a much as I desire. My health remains excellent and my fitness level is constantly on the rise!
I've also had the joy of experiencing three healthy pregnancies and giving birth to three healthy children. All three have thrived on my breast milk and continue to thrive on a plant-based diet!
After about three years of following a high carb, low fat, plant-based vegan diet and healthy lifestyle, I lost over 30 lbs. and have since kept it off EFFORTLESSLY despite always eating a much as I desire. My health remains excellent and my fitness level is constantly on the rise!
I've also had the joy of experiencing three healthy pregnancies and giving birth to three healthy children. All three have thrived on my breast milk and continue to thrive on a plant-based diet!
My Diet and Lifestyle
The macronutrient ratio of my diet is and has been roughly 90% carbohydrate, 5% fat, and 5% protein since 2012. My daily calorie intake ranges from 2500-4500 calories a day depending on my activity level. Rawtil4 is my favorite way to eat with unlimited sweet fruits during the day, and low-fat starches (rice, potatoes) with vegetables for dinner. I will also have juice, table sugar, fat free candies/desserts, and fat free condiments as desired! My weekly activity includes road biking, indoor cycling, jogging, walking, hiking, rebounding, and yoga. I average 8-10 hours of sleep per night and drink at least 3 liters of water a day. The supplements I take include vitamin B12, vitamin D in the winter, and iron or a.multivitamin if I feel I need a boost!